Wednesday, April 28, 2010

bahaya TV dalam kehidupan

satu hari sewaktu aku masih kecil, kakak balik sekolah dan berkata, " cikgu kakak kata, dalam rumah kita ada hantu, setiap rumah ada, syaitan paling dahsyat sekali, itulah warna hitam kat tengah2 rumah tu". okay she meant the TV, dan tak sure cikgu subjek apa yg ckp macam tu. mungkin cikgu BM dia.

okay, entry hari (malam) ini pendek saja, i just want to say, watching too many TV di masa kecik memanglah merosakkan hari-hari kecilmu. dan hari ini someone had just reminded me one of the stupid thing i did when i was in school dan i was like, "damn those TV shows" kan. dan akhirnya aku kena admit, i've been a wannabe since kecik lagi. wohaaaaa...kecik2 lagi dah american dream u!!! tp taklimat USMLE pun tak minat nk pergi. haha.

okay, masa mula-mula beli dulu, konon alat bantu belajar. skrg i have to move it OFF my desk to reduce the distraction. cewah. tp mmg boleh reduce time-spent in front of the screen. agak-agaklah, buat proofreading +- 100 pages, sampai sakit2 lutut... memang tak berapa selesa nkmengadap lame2 camni. jadi if u have same problem as i do, spending too much time in front of the desktop/laptop, boleh cuba ubahsuai arrangement dalam bilik yea. tengok, sampai aku nak blogging pun susah.

sticker tajaan kakak ; dipos dari malaysia. 

Friday, April 23, 2010

the two culprits

hai hai haiiiii....!!!! (^_^) yeaaaaaaaa kawan-kawan... i know u miss me already... sunday to april, friday,kalau blog yg ak follow, ak pun tahu rindu juga. kahkahkahkahkahkah. (kurang sopan ye ketawa macam ni, haghagahagahagah apetah lagi).

busy bukanlah sebab utama blog tak berupdate pun. cuma, ada few things yang lebih appealing untuk ak buat, dan semenjak 2 menjak ni, on ym pun ak malas. punca masih vague, belum dapat dikenalpasti secara jelas. okay. untuk death & dying, ak akan buat posting lain. harini mari kita berbicara soal dua elemen yang merosakkan keharmonian hidup berinteraksi sesama manusia. 

dalam sesuatu hubungan, ada dua nilai yang akan membawa perhubungan itu ke arah kemusnahan (wohaaaaa???) pertamanya adalah assumption. orang melayu kata anggapan? kalau dah lama baca blog aku ni, mungkin akan rasa mual, loya dan muak sebab mmg aku selalu cakap pasal ni pun. hakikatnya, memang inilah yang kita buat setiap hari. assuming that people we love will always be there makes us take them for granted. angkat tangan sape lame tak call mak ayah die???? see?? see?? aku pun lame tak call, kot. lama adalah relatif ye, lama bagi aku mungkin agak kejap bg org lain?

oh, lupa2.. bila kita kata relationship, i mean all interactions btw human beings yea. family, marriage, friendship, patient-provider pun. semua ye, semua. contoh2 sila kembangkan sendiri, barulah IT bleh dapat A+. 

okay, yang kedua ni, baru-baru je aku sedar.ha... jeng jeng jeng sangat. EXPECTATION. what can be worse. sebenarnya berhubung kait juga dengan isu assumption. sebab expectation ni datang dari assumption tu tadi lah. jadi, aku rasa kita kena relevant dalam nak mempunyai kepada semua manusia di sekeliling kita. lower your expectation a lil bit. bagilah ruang dan peluang, tak semua manusia itu sama kapasitinya. untuk menangani masalah ini, saya mengesyorkan untuk menanam sikap berlapang dada dan hati yang terbuka. dan paling penting sekali tidak menghukum manusia. no no no no no.... kadangkala expectation itu menghilangkan rasional juga toleransi.

unfortunately, saye adalah orang yang kadangkala ada expectation tinggi juga pada orang. kalau tak mencapai expectation, maka memang i'm a bit offended/disturbed by that. sigh~~~~~ okay, really need to get rid of that  bad bad attitude kan. haiyyo..

oh ye, kadangkala bila kita letak diri kita as the best, kita hanya akan nampak diri kita. move one step backward, and u'll get to see other people around you.

okay, that's it regarding the two culprit.

now we come to the two love of my life pulak. ini kita lavish kan die dengan kasih sayang dan perhatian. supaya besar nanti jadi anak yg  taat kepada makciknya...hahahah

muka semangat masuk bakul. angkat...angkat...
tarbush ini was bought for muaz, masa tu azam tak lahir lg... now it fits on him. so cute
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gaya seorang tokey
pihak maksu masih gagal mengesan maksud posing ini
perhatikan tgn kanan si kenit memegang getah paip. ini adalah port sama tmpat maksu suka main air.

kanak-kanak paling excited mandi daun semambu i have ever met. he had to mandi because ingatkan die kena demam campak
ok azam, ko memang suka kan mandi-mandi ni????
cutie pie
okay, muaz sedang melakukan jenayah "bajet comel"
he got this toy dah lama dah, he only play with bila ada ramai org datang jumpa dia. show off!!!

okey sekian dulu. maksu memang geram nak balik bermain dengan budak berdua ni. maksu balik nanti sila berguling-guling di arrival yeaaaaa sayang.....

Sunday, April 18, 2010

betul ke it's never too late?

org kata "it's never too late". kadang2 orang kata "It's never too late for anything". ataupun "better late than never". bagi aku, expression ni semua hanyalah satu escapism yang manusia cipta, untuk menjadi-permissible-kan sesuatu tindakan pada waktu-waktu yang berkenaan. tapi, boleh lah jugak kot guna untuk mengelakkan panic attack di saat-saat akhir. 

bull lah jugak kan. kalau "it's never too late" habis tu, apa gunanya ada timeline? apa gunanya jadual waktu disusun? apa gunanya orang jual organizer? apa gunanya cipta jam tangan, jam dinding, jam poket mahupun jam loceng? ataupun function alarm pada telefon bimbit?

okay, sebenarnya esok adalah exam management. dan, memang feveret saye lah itu kan. org kata better late than never, tapi dalam kes ini, early bird privileges kate omputih... kalau study awal pastilah lebih baik, tak gitu?? why go for 2nd when you can be #1 (for the sake of expression only). masa kecik dulu, pernah angah bising2 pasal lambat solat ni, the licik me selamba-ly answered him, "ala...better late than never..." mungkin masa tu baru belajar expression tersebut. aiyo. rosak....rosak.. and he was like, "ha, masuk syurga esok pun better late than never lah, singgah2 dulu kat neraka..." gulp.

okay, kita mestilah berbalik kepada tema "tomorrow is never guaranteed" kan. tomorrow's sun will rise tomorrow. sure ke? entah rise entah tidak. entah cerah entah mendung. aku rasa kita memang tidak boleh berpegang kepada dua pepatah yang korup ini. sebaliknya, kita pegang pada "carpe diem" seize the day. esok memang tidak pasti, sebab itu kita hargai hari ini.

jangan tunggu sampai esok. it's the tragedy of war, not having said, what needed to be said, not having done what needed to be done -->from starship troopers series. kadang-kadang kita ego. kadang-kadang sebab kita ni memang ungrateful. kadang-kadang sebab kita lupa. (sebab tu aku tulis ni, bagi ingat....)

i dont wanna be specific, apa-apa yang kita semua tangguhkan, for whatsoever reason, jom la kita segerakan bersama-sama. sebab, "tomorrow is never guaranteed". contohnya, study management, sebab esok belum tentu sempat. tapi, tidur pun tak boleh bertangguh? haha.

to be continued...

p/s: benci betul karen tak tentu hala. siapa tak faham maksud karen sila drop comment. motif???

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

happy birthday precious ;)

okay, so it's his birthday.
and everyone is like tolong celeberte because dia mungkin masih belum faham erti his birthday.
so, i went on wishing his parents,
"Selamat hari ulang tahun kedua menjadi abu dan ummu muaz, semoga muaz 
sihat-sihat selalu dan menjadi anak yang soleh...amin."
what else a mother/father could ask except for their son to be healthy and grows up as a soleh child kan. mudah-mudahan he'll be one of the "good investment" for the family in the hereafter.

happy birthday sayang, maksu loves you.  

p/s: another two weeks birthday precious yg lagi satu pulak!

Monday, April 12, 2010

to kill or not to kill

this morning, dalam kalut nak exam peripheral Nervous system, i sempat check my facebook. my sister put this link on her facebook.

you guys should check out the story, tentang seorang ibu yang kehilangan anaknya. He was diagnosed for having dengue fever, but once he was transfered to another hospital, they found out it was pneumonia. bila sampai part pneumonia tu, i was like, kecewa betul sebab pneumonia is something very common, with good prognosis, and should the doctor found that out earlier, there's higher chance of survival. but, they also found out a tumor in the boy's lung. and he didn't make it.

this story was somehow so "mengesankan". perhaps because i'm actually studying medicine. or maybe because i have two nephews yang almost the same age as him and they both once contracted pneumonia. muaz masa baru-baru lahir and azam recently. alhamdulillah they're both doing fine, and i'm sure anak sakit dan sembuh kembali adalah antara nikmat yang sangat besar untuk insan bergelar ibu-bapa.

yesterday, after health administration lecture, i talked to my professor, and we agreed to the conclusion that it is better jika health care menjadi satu institusi swasta instead of kerajaan. supaya health care worker menjadi lebih passionate, or at least give better performance. the argument was on how this will affect the poor citizen, but Dr said that is tanggungjawab kementerian kebajikan. but then i encountered this story, and i think it doesn't matter pun wether it is private institution or government hospital. yang paling penting adalah passion seorang health care worker terhadap pesakit.

Treat your patient the way you want people to treat your family.

lebih kurang macam ni lah bunyinya ayat seorang professor dalam sebuah introductory lecture in my previous module. he got me "bergenang air mata" in the hall. memang macam tu lah sepatutnya. kalau kita treat patient the way kita nak orang layan ahli keluarga kita, pastinya kita akan lebih teliti, sensitif dan mahukan yang terbaik untuknya. u cant just look at your patient mcm another human being yang sakit. it's a person, someone's kid, someone's husband, someone's mom and so on. statistically, the doctor might just kill one patient, but that one patient might be the world to another person. it's just not fair that others have to suffer due to our negligence.

Essentials of Medical School

Sekarang, i got the picture clear. being in med school, knowledge adalah sangat penting. lack of knowledge might mislead your diagnosis. tak dapat dinafikan lagi, knowledge adalah substance paling penting. tapi, for me, keystone of being a good physician bukanlah pada knowledge yang seseorang itu ada, tapi pada nilai. values. it's important for us, our life, the institution and the patient as well. nilai-nilai inilah yang akan menentukan what kind of physician we will be. yang bodoh sombong tak tentu hala ke, yang pandai tapi tak ada sentimen kemanusiaan ke, atau simply another human who study medicine.

i can't give back what she had lost. no one can. but the least i could do, is to spread the message that being a doctor is more than just graduating with an MBBS scroll, specialized and voila!!! you'll need to graduate as a good human, than u'll make a good doctor. 

my pumpkins bila demam bersama-sama

blues malam exam

here i am, esok exam midterm CNS II, with tonnes of load to finish. perasaannya : NUMB. dan pastinya inilah saat-saatnya kita kata "we're gonna finish strong!" cewah. sambil2 makan filet ketam beli di c-town town beberapa minggu lepas. i tried to fry them as it is, dan macam kurang memberangsangkan, so i rebus them instead mcm makcik kemboja yg jual yong tau fu di pasar malam tanjung rambutan, yang kini dah berpindah ke sempadan ulu kinta dan taman perpaduan. 

the filet is not as sweet, dan sedikit masin. tp syukur je lah kan dah ada tu. 

i remembered last year, when i got home during summer break, sampai2 KL bulan ramadhan. so, petang tu lepas along balik office, he took me to bazaar ramadhan somewhere in Jalan Kuching. panas tak ingat lah meskipun dah redup (okay, u mungkin tahan kepanasan summer, but when it comes to kepanasan malaysia, we're talking about panas + lembab, dan itu memang lebih bizarre). i wonder tahun ni macam mana cuaca di malaysia, people asik komplen on facebook dat it is super panas.

so, i stopped him dekat gerai yang jual ayam body (rangka) dan gorengan2 yang lain.i got that ketam filet, ketam balls, sotong balls and udang balls. he was like so surprised dan balik rumah he was like, "Jordan tak de ke??? kamu sorang je bukak2 puasa beli benda-benda ni. orang sini tak pandang ler..." and i was like "Memang tak ada pun...." selamba.

okay i love crab fillet so much that every time i go to sushi king i will have kanikama, kani mayo dan kanikama maki... mesti mesti. dan biasanya kena order, biaselah blue plate, jarang ade atas belt tu kan... unfortunately bukan semua sushi kena dengan selera aku pun. babe biasenye suka yang tuna mayo, potato salad dan mayo2 yang lain. dan she can eat salmon. aku belum lagi. haha. in ipoh, sushi king is like the only place u can get proper sushi kot (as far as im concerned lah). tp tak boleh blah betul pepsi setin RM3. orang kata sushi kat hypermarket pun sedap, tak penah cuba pulak aku. been seaweed hunting dah lama dah tak jumpa2 juga di jordan bertuah ni. nak pegi yatta sushi, mahal boleh tahan jugak eh.terliur plak aku belek2 menu sushi king nih. cettt.

tgk promotion sushi king yg terkini "have you don? don&win". what the...

btw, abg muaz kite dah pandai cakap tepon. nasib baik je tak berjujuran air mata maksu during our first conversation. walaupun dalam keadaan perbualan terpimpin. dan rumors has it, he's been avoiding azam cuz azam semakin hebat skang dan berkapasiti memBULI BALIK. boleh bayang je muaz berlari running away from azam.

p/s: lupe plak esok exam. doakanlah sama ye!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

the driver of your life

sometimes, we're holding on the wrong things/people. unfortunately.

so, the problem comes (wah macam kelas anatomy pulak) when "those (things/people) that keep you sane start to drive you crazy, those (things/people) that keep you moving start to get you stuck somewhere". uh-huh! you didn't see that coming did you? 

now, comes the more difficult part. which begins with admitting that you're holding on to the wrong principle/thing/people. or even worse, you should've not let those thing be something you depend on in the first place. okay, get yourself back together, and slowly walk this off. BE THE DRIVER OF YOUR LIFE. do not let those things cloud your way. hell, it's never easy, in fact no way as easy as it sounds like. unpredictable things usually happen at times you least expect them, which is why, it's not safe to hold on or to be too much affected by stuff that is unstable/ too reactive (chemically).

if you know what i'm saying.

besides my life, i'ma drive this baby too.
 hummer n me = totally love at first sight!

p/s: my exam is on monday. been sneezing every now and then, and keep mumbling "i will stay healthy...i will stay healthy.. stay healthy..healthy...healthy.. healthy..." sambil create aura law of attraction.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Gurindam Kasih

Gurindam Kasihnya Ibu

my sister put this on her facebook note, well she told me last year that she was so touched with the gurindam/syair whatever that she heard during azam's majlis aqiqah aka cukur jambul aka berendoi aka naik buai. then, today she tagged me on the notes, mungkin dia dapat dari internet. haha.

in the beginning, i found it kinda funny. classic? then as i go through the words, it is kinda sweet, syahdu syahdan, menyayat hati, menginsafkan, meleleh-air-mata-kan and so on. i swear i didn't cry, but sebak lah kan. well, nampaknya being a mom really changes people. if she had not been a mom yet, she might be my partner lah gelak2 sama-sama kan. now when she hears this gurindam she'd go all syahdu, there goes my associate. haiz! 

Bismillah itu permulaan nama,
Keadaan ZatNya bersama-sama.

Dilahirkan engkau melihat dunia,
Limpah Allah maha kuasa.

Dikandung ibumu sembilan bulan,
Lebih dan kurang tidak ditentukan.

Diperanakkan dikau beberapa kesakitan,
Beberapa pantang minum dan makan.

Tatkala dikau lagi kanak-kanak,
Engkau tidur mata ibumu jinak.

Nasihat ibumu janganlah kau bantah,
Dijaga dipelihara sangatlah susah.

Dialih ke kanan ke kiri pun basah,
Jika kau menangis hatinya susah.

Setelah engkau sudahlah ada,
Siang dan malam ibumu berjaga.

Tidurpun hanya barang seketika,
Makan dan minum tidak kuasa.

Dilapikkan dengan kain sarung,
Diangkat ditimang serta dibedung.

Apabila terjaga terus didukung,
Kasih dan sayang tinggi menggunung.

Tiadalah tentu siang dan malam,
Tidurpun tidak dapat ditilam.

Terkejut terjaga di tengah malam,
Bangun memangku di dalam kelam.

Jika ibumu orang berada,
Diambilnya pembantu menolong dia,

Apabila engkau dapat mengaji,
Ibu ayahmu sukalah hati.

Membaca Al Quran sudah kau reti,
Untuk bekalan di akhirat nanti.

Awaluddin Makrifatullah,
Awal agama mengenal Allah.

Berkat syafaat rasulullah,
Umurnya panjang rezekinya murah.

Apabila ibumu sudah tiada,
Jasa ibumu jangan kau lupa.

Janganlah jadi anak durhaka,
kelak tak cium baunya syurga.

Doakan rohnya setiap hari,
Agar rohnya berbau kasturi,

Itu semua takdir Ilahi,
Semoga ditempatkan di syurga nanti.… 

Okay semua, grab your cellphones dan start texting/call ur mom and dad, say hi! 

now, meet the love of my life,

azam demam and nearly got everyone forgot maksu's birthday. babe had to berkampung in hospital cuz both her hubby and son were admitted. oih, bila tgk this pic then only i know why is she so worried.
after he got better, abah took him to go botak, he changed his name to kojek (or kojak) and he's helping mummy to kemas rumah... maybe he's feeling guilty for meyepahkan rumah. so nice lah u sayang!
kojek is showing off his teeth, not knowing that maksu has more teeth than he does. but maksu really loves his eyes and miss him very much
kojek got his new toys, and was playing "nice" to allure mummy and daddy so that he'd get more present next time. OMG he's turning 1 next month!!! yeay!!! and maksu always got the caption like "maksu, dont forget to bring back mainan canggih2 from Jordan". surely, maksu will buy something kojek, muaz and maksu can use together. =P

hugs and kisses, maksu. 
p/s: waiting for muazam gathering latest shots dan lama sungguh tak dengar suara abg muaz kite tu.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

to lie or not to lie ; to tell or not to tell

by this time of my life, i keep seeing myself in the medical education field. to be exact, in a public health department. i keep thinking how great it would be like to educate future doctors to be good doctors, or to some extend, a better human being.

today's discussion in ethics course was about breaching confidentiality. and then we moved into a new subject, "Telling the Truth". interesting. my professor goes like, "in a study conducted, it is found that a vast majority of the doctors tell the patient, less than the whole truth". 

"if you have a patient, who has incurable cancer and has few months to live, would you tell the truth?". i nodded. hell, if i have few more months to live,i'd prefer knowing the fact than not. at least i know i should cherish every single second available. and the reasons are presented such as, "why destroy hope", and holding fast to the 'do-no-harm' oath. on the other hand, in another study conducted, patients would prefer to be told about their exact condition. and of course the lecture continues with the professor discussing stuff like, ignoring  your patient's question is considered as doing harm to your patient too. yada yada yada.

one point that i love from today's lecture is that "not telling the truth, the whole truth equals to telling lies". true isn't it? there are things that we kept to ourselves, not wanting others to find out about it. we all have our own skeleton in our closets. speaking of patient-provider relationship, which was supposed to be built upon trust, not telling the whole truth, or in another word we say "lying" to your patient, is definitely going to ruin this. like, your patient would go, "if u can lie to me about this, God knows what else have u been keeping from me". and perhaps it'll be a major dilemma for that particular person to distinct, which of the things u said are truth or lies. 

and lying about things, pictures our real moral value. not only as a physician, but also as a human being. my professor's example was, "if someone calls you in the middle of the night, and ask are you sleeping, why do you have to say "NO". just say "Yes, i was sleeping"". and i was like, "OMG, that's totally me!". and perhaps you do the same thing to. we just dont want the other party to feel guilty about disturbing us, or perhaps we just dont want to give any bad impression on them. 

keeping the whole truth from a patient, is totally contradicting to the patient's autonomy principle. where we should provide all the information we have and let the patient choose for him/herself. which takes us to the next point, we keep this information because we want to be in control of the situation. violating another principle we should hold on to, being collectively oriented, putting the patient's interest first. see?

Trust-Based Relationship

we moved to real-life practice, cuz basically we're not seeing patients just yet. relationship is always based on trust, not love. trusting the person you love drags you into severe denial when thing goes wrong, you start to blame everything else but that particular person, simply because love DO make people blind.. but loving the person you trust, perhaps is not as difficult. (totally theoretical, i can't prove this anyway).  

we lie. for god-knows-whatsoever-reason we have. or justified. and often we say, i lie or in a nicer way "i didn't tell you" because i don't want to hurt you. or in the patient-provider relationship, because i don't want to make you feel bad. LOL. that's a real bull! you never lie for other people. you lie for yourself. you either can't take the 'guilt' or you just don't want to have to be responsible if things get out of control after telling the truth. every time you say you don't to hurt another human being, you're just saving your own ass. 

the terminally ill. 

i'd prefer my patient, and his/her family be prepared for the worst. it's not about the news you're delivering, it's how, or the way you present the news. you can tell a patient he has two months top to live, and still he could be thanking you for that. if i were to choose, letting a patient die abruptly, without knowing that those days were his last few to be with his beloved ones, or to tell him that he's running out of time, and he should be cherishing every second left and be inspire him to lead a great ending, i'd go for the latter. 

it's God who determine who stays and who has got to go. not me or my prognosis. and just to reassure you that telling the truth is the only ethical thing you could do,

"قولوا الحقّ و لو كان مرا".

have a nice day everyone. don't lie.

Monday, April 5, 2010

mungkin sedikit yang kau beri

Cuba lihatlah disampingmu
beribu tangan terangkat
cuba lihatkanlah hatimu
beri ia harapan

walau sedikit yang kau beri
mungkin berarti untuknya
bergelut di jalanan tuk menyambung hidup
menyambung hidup

dan lihatlah mereka terluka
meski tanpa tersenyum
dan lihatlah mereka menangis
meski penuh tawa...

okay. u know i always love talking about not taking things for granted and stuff kan. i heard this song, for the first time kat drama tu lah kan. =)))))))) and the lyrics was somehow nice. and it was very difficult to find them. and, now that i found it, i think i'll put it here. tiba-tiba ada sedikit tachycardia bila jumpa lagu ni, apesal tah. and i start to understand the song in a different way. all i can think of adalah kanak-kanak yang lapar in africa, or those kanak-kanak yang sangat kesian di negara-negara seperti palestine contohnya.

ok, that's one thing. when i wanted to translate, mungkin sedikit yang kau beri, tapi berarti untuknya. i came into another view, on how small things that we do makes big impact on other's life. tapi, memang pun kan. it's the small things that makes a relationship grows stronger or rotten to the core.. okay, apa kena mengena pulak relationship ni kan. but, seriously, small things like a simple note, a smile on your face, saying hi to a stranger may be a remarkable turning point in one's life. (okay, sangat contradicting dengan don't talk to stranger punya sign kan). maybe kita tak rasa sangat cuz, our society is not that familiar with suicidal issues. social suicide ade lah! 

being a post-secret reader, i start to believe even more, small things do work wonders! there are many people out there who reconsider cutting or actually committing suicide just by small deeds others did to them. isn't that good, and see??? you CAN make the difference. so, if last semester we have project HEAL (yang nampaknya dah senyap skarang), why not kita keep on doing those random act of kindness kan. make the world a better place. start with taking good care of the filthy public toilet. bukan apa, kadang2 toilet bersih dan best pun boleh buat orang good mood kan?

yeay, i got my rentak (i cant spell rythm without spelling error, how to spell it anyway???) told ya we can see things from every different angle, why look through the keyhole while you can actually look through the open door kan? mind mapping...mind mapping.. haha

live life, love and radiate. =)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

missed me already?

okay,, one week beb. one week. patut la kadang2 bangun pagi jari jemari habis edematous semua, mungkin lama tak blogging??? okay, so many things happened lately, life is a roller coaster bak kata ronan keating. mungkin ini adalah manifestasi kegagalan multitasking. i've been busy with other stuff like watching few series sehinggakan hilang mood blogging sekejap? dan ditambah dengan busy2 exam pulak next week kan. dan ada hutang entry jugak dengan orang dan sebagainya.

okay. someone please tell me ini bunga apa in english/malay. nicer than lilies. totally perfect for bunga pegang ni.

and, as some of u might know already, i'm starting a small business that comprises making walnut carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. so, kalau nak tempah, can contact me right away, at least one week before your occasion. and, today is officially my first order punya misi lah kan. sambil2 tunggu kek sejuk nak di frosting kan. take a look at our tester batch. 

okay, orang malaysia semua harap bertenang je lah ye. sini memang ada banyak strawberry dan gemuk2 dan manis2 semuanya. but as i said before, the closer we are to summer, makin mencabar lah aktiviti membeli strawberry ni kan. 

i think im running out of juicy ideas lah for now. lama tak blogging memang biasa kena syndrome macam ni. hate it. hate it. 

semoga enjin panas kembali, dan boleh blogging normally afterwards. i miss you too!!!