Monday, July 19, 2010

amok dan histeria???

AMOK : seen in south east asia, the (native malayan) as abrupt onset of unprovoked, uncontrolled rage, killing people/animals. 

mcm tu lah catatan dalam slides culture & health harini. wow, semester ni, classes were interesting, but i didnt get to jot much about them. so... when the professor mentioned relation of certain psych behavior with culture, and adding to it, stress factor, one thing that bothers me today in the hall is histeria. 

orang melayu suka lah histeria ni. siap buat movie kot. ha.. we might heard before, that histeria ni mungkin jugak disebabkan stress. well, agak make sense lah sebab it only happens in boarding school kan. and mostly among girls lah. okey, i dont have any experience dealing with histeria (alhamdulillah) just some stories been passed from generations. possession cases, paling dekat pun within 20 meters kot, because im among those who are "penakut", so when things happen, my friends would advise me not to get anywhere near the possessed student, sebab "hantu boleh tau kalau ko takut". ha... ok boleh ketawa jugak kalau nak.

hihi. so, i addressed this histeria matter to the professor after the lecture. is it possible that stress has cause the phenomena, and can stress causes hallucinations? considering some people claim of encountering paranormal activity ni kan, in term of hearing sounds or actually seeing the so-called ghost. the answer is NO. hallucinations is something up here (pointing to the head, indicating brain). what MIGHT be happening is that stress can cause illusions. the subject may MISINTERPRET things. the example given by my professor was, if you're anxious, waiting for someone, your brother, your father, or your husband, (mesti sebab i pompuan dy bagi contoh2 ni), you're under stress, of waiting. so, when you hear something, even just the wind, you think that, that's him coming. but hallucination on the other hand, might happen even without stimulus. so, in this case it's the misinterpretation, or illusion. and not hallucination.

wow. so i came to another possibility. mungkin sebab tu, "orang yang takut hantu lagi senang kena kacau." cuz she/he will be under a lot of stress being afraid of the hantu, so, everything is interpreted as presence of the entity. wah. best kan belaja psychology. belum lagi aku citer aku punye interpretation terhadap "butterflies in my tummy" selepas belajar psychology. tapi cik rokoiah kate, tak semestinye camtu.. sorry that one cannot share kat blog. kot2 nanti satu hari aku bleh menang nobel prize ke kan. wekkkkk.

okie dokie. esok exam food. 
ni lah dorm i mase form 2 dulu. yang............ tragis.
amik dari blog sue ya. aku tak mintak izin, tau ko tak berkira.


Nira Salvatore said...

waa, juling jap mata baca, haha

atiqahdahalan said...

ok. i dont get it, kenapa sampai juling?

hidayat said...

teringat plak kes org minyak kt salah sebuah skola berasrama pompuan kt ipoh tu(tanak sebut skola mane..haha)...sampai ust pahmi patah kaki sbb terjage mlm dengar mcm ade budak jerit..

Sumaiyah said...

sile2 amik gambaq
memang tangkap untok hang. kekekeh

btw malay say it as hantu. tapi hantu takdak, yang ada cuma jin dan syaiton.

somehow aku boring dan fed up dengan cerita2 hantu kat tv. motif apa taktahulah. kesian budak2, jadi mangsa keadaan.

and sangat betui, minda main peranan penting. ape2 pun, yakin dengan Allah dan perlindunganNya, insyaAllah sume okes!

atiqahdahalan said...

dayat : penat betul lah nak ulang explain. (ramai gile ckp itu kes org minyak) yang ustaz pahmi patah kaki tu, bukan org minyak. itu org jahat masuk dekat asrama, pastu cederakan pelajar. ha..itulah dorm yg tertera di dalam entry ini. itupun org jahat tu lalu kat koridor je. fatherly sungguh ustaz kan.

sue : kesian budak2. kesian kat aku jugak.