Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Malaysia Negara Malas?

Pagi ni dekat radio ERA ada bincang isu Malaysia negara malas as published by Lancet Medical Journal, where Malaysia berada di tangga ke-10, dan Saudi Arabia di tangga ke-3. 

So, tengok dekat discussion on facebook ramai jugak yang tak setuju... tapi, marilah kita tengok balik how they define inactivity in the research ..

The study defines inactivity as not performing any of the following three sorts of activities: 30 minutes of moderate activity such as brisk walking at least five times a week; 20 minutes of vigorous activity at least three times a week; or an equivalent combination of the two said activities. Inactivity has largely been blamed on wrong social trends, such as spending more time in cars and in front of computers.

Haaaa... Memang betul la tu... I pun jarang-jarang buat any of the indicator.. (tu pasal la ehemmm). Try cari dekat Lancet Journal tak jumpa pulak artikel ni...tapi, to state the obvious, memang ramai yang komen tak setuju tu without even doing some homework into the, not only malas physically orang Malaysia ni, intellectually also.. oops!

Apa-apa pun, no need to freak out or melatah, you can change this :-)

Eh, post ni pun tulis macam orang malas!

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