Wednesday, February 24, 2010

your good mood makes me curious.

"salam.angah,ble x tlg topup nombo msia ikah.takut mati...rm30..nnt blk ikah byr inshaAllah.013*******. jangan lupa birthday lg sebulan" -nombo tepon baru dapat dr una sebab diri sendiri tak ingat.

beberapa saat kemudian

"Wokeh. nnt esok"

laju betul sistem komunikasi sekarang

"wow.tenkiu". amazement. he was so willing. excessively willing. mesti mood dy baik. sangat. ataupun mungkin dy malas nak layan adiknye pujuk memujuk?

sangat misterius ye encik angah ini. mungkin dy happy sangat balik raya cina haritu? matila kalau angah baca ni.hahhah. ataupun dy nak ungkit topup itu sbg hadiah birthday? oh no no..

harini aku notice satu unsur proaktif. err.. dlm diri aku lah maksudnye. aku dah gigih ingatkan along, angah dan kakak regarding my coming birthday. 21 lah katakan, kalau org melayu dlm drama kata : kunci beb...kunci... but when i come to think about it, the reason why i wanted to remind them is because, i want wishes and presents from them. i work it out so i wont have to be sedih2 if they forgot my birthday. and sejak sekolah menengah lg, on my birthday, i'd call everyone yg i nak dgr dy wish birthday. huhu. so, i guess, i am kinda proactive bab2 kebahagiaan diri sendiri menjelang birthday. yeay!!!


and there are moments in life when u realize u're just plain same as others. it either hurts u, or gives u courage to move on and lead ur life ur way.

the day will come when i finally walk out of this world, and i hope people would notice i'm not there.

1 comment:

ainmohd. said...

britahulah besday ko bile bleyh aku wish gak skali..