Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Drama Tahajjud Cinta TV3

Entry ini adalah based on my personal view, feel free to have your own different POV walaupun this is myblog.hihihihi.

Good morning everyone...Pagi-pagi ni susah betul ye nak akses nikerunning, jadi kita blogging saje dulu. Sebelum ada yang nak mengumpat, let me clarify first, I memang layan cerita-cerita melayu ni. Semenjak duduk di Jordan, memang ada follow series from Malaysia, walau macam mana cliche pun sesuatu cerita tu, I believe I will learn something from it, because it's all about how you look at things. Jangan main-main, cara basuh ikan keli pun boleh dapat belajar dari tengok cerita melayu tau. I learn about people and culture from things I see on the screen. Memandangkan drama memang dibuat based on what happens in the real world, walaupun some of them were just too good to be true, I still watch them anyway.

So, bila start je promo Tahajjud Cinta, I was very excited, dengar-dengar pulak they shot parts of it in Jordan, and got Fazura in it... Memang nak tengok sangat. And everyone close to me know how much I love Fazura :-) Unfortunately, I missed the pilot episode, jadi terpaksa streaming tengok di je.

Episod 1.

I think Fazura looks so cute speaking colloquial jordanian arabic. If only they have called someone to train her better, she would've sound so real! Walaupun she was portrayed as belajar di Egypt, we can hear her friends and the dean - absolutely Jordanian! I look forward for the next episode, this series will be different than Nur Kasih, of course.

Episod 2.

I was doing some work for my mom, and the episode was aired. I was so excited tengok they went to places in Jordan - places I haven't been myself, dan cepat-cepat cakap pada mama dan abah - you have to take me there next year, hehe.. Cuma bila dah ada babak berjalan berdua, pegang tangan dan menyelak purdah tu, I felt discouraged to continue. Only few days later, I streamed on lagi sekali. Of course many will be in disagreement with scenes from the series.

Yesterday I saw this group membantah penyiaran rancangan tersebut, and I was like, Malaysians are really funny when it comes to facebook. hihihi. Okay, it wasn't that funny, it slightly made me feel uneasy. I wonder what will be the message received by other people. And I wonder too, what's the point of mentioning "kami pelajar jordan". I thought "pelajar Mesir" have more right to go against the airing of the series sebab those in the series are all from Cairo - going for holiday in Jordan. But then again, that's individual choice to choose the way the want to express themselves.


Regarding the series, I think it's a good opportunity to educate the people. It gives me reason to come up with another entry "batas-batas pergaulan dalam Islam". And if people talk to me about the series, I can tell them, some things were overlooked in the making of the series. My abah taught me that way, abah kata bila sekian-sekian penulis buat kenyataan yang salah/bertentangan dengan Islam, ianya adalah ruang untuk ustaz-ustaz reach out kepada audiens mereka dengan penerangan yang lebih jelas. It creates opportunity for "orang yang ahli" untuk memberi penerangan yang betul kepada masyarakat. 

No offense, but I think kita semua perlu muhasabah kembali tahap kematangan kita. Sampai bila kita nak beri peluang kepada orang untuk kata kita cepat melatah dan sangat reaktif dan tidak proaktif. Memang lah sekarang ni musim kita berkata soal suara kita mahu didengari, tapi, bagi setiap apa yang hendak di kata itu ada tempatnya, and vice versa. My main concern adalah sekiranya ia menampakkan kesempitan dan negativity dalam kalangan pelajar timur tengah, khususnya Jordan. It will only bring you loss in your own game.

I grow up believing, kalau kita tidak berpuas hati, kita cari medium paling efektif untuk didengari. When I go to restaurants and I'm not happy with it, I don't go scold the workers in their face, or tell people not to come to the restaurant again (okay,sometime I tell people don't go jugak la ) - I'll look for comment card / suggestion box, I'd write and put it in. I know someone will read them and do something about it. And I don't believe in getting angry at pekerja bawahan tentang sistem sesuatu hypermarket, sebab they don't even get to say anything in their mesyuarat, so I prefer making official complain to the rightful person. Scolding seorang cashier will only ruin her day, and it's not fair. Tapi kalau memang cashier tu yang buat salah, I won't hesitate to tell her that too.

So, my suggestion untuk kita yang ambil berat tentang apa juga mesej/babak yang dirasakan tidak sesuai dalam drama Tahajjud Cinta tu, apa kata hantar surat ke ruangan-ruangan di akhbar tempatan. That way, you will be heard, dan mungkin akan membantu pengarah dan penerbit untuk improvise. Menulis kepada surat khabar ni perlu kepada latihan, tapi zaman sekarang, people hardly do that, lebih-lebih lagi student. Budaya ini sudah semakin terhakis, walhal nak menulis kepada akhbar jauh lebih mudah sekarang, sebab ada email, tak perlu beli envelope, stamp pergi post office dan sebagainya. Tapi, sebelum pos tu, bagi dulu kawan-kawan atau senior-senior yang berwibawa baca, sebab kadang-kadang kita ni terlalu excited dan tulis merapu-rapu.

Jom lah kita jadi orang yang berguna, cari medium paling efektif untuk bersuara. Jangan sekadar berbunyi bising yang tak membawa ke mana. Dan paling penting sekali, to educate masyarakat di sekeliling kita :-)

And this is one of the good respond I've read regarding isu tahajjud cinta ni. klik sini.

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