Sunday, August 8, 2010


ok lah, nak pergi buat2 study.
esok exam food. td exam farm animal.
tahukah anda ayam betina boleh bertelur tanpa ayam jantan..?
jangan2 abah pun tak tahu ni

Mohamed Akmal
mestilah tahu. abah kecik-kecik kan main, makan, tidur semua dengan ayam.

Mohamed Akmal is now offline.

tadi masa tengah baca chapter poultry, aku terbau-bau je bau telur ayam panas. maksudnya mummy chicken pergi bersiar-siar lepas mengeram. tau tak bau dia macam mana?

"abah, abah... abah tahu tak ayam betina boleh bertelur walaupun takde ayam jantan?"
"ikah baru tau abah. ternganga-nganga dalam kelas tu."
"kamu tau, ayam jantan pun boleh bertelur, tapi kecik je telur die"
"tipu. tipu. ayam jantan maneeeee boleh bertelur."
"cuba kamu tanya dokter kamu esok".
"tamo.tamo. ayam betina je boleh bertelur".

kesian kan. dari kecik sampai tua asik kena doktrin fakta auta semua ni.

penambahan/pembetulan: cik sopiah kate ayam jantan memang bertelur, kalau kite basuh ayam telur tu ade dalam perut ayam. cik sopiah kate nenek die yang cakap.


izzatirazak said...

ok..1st time baca entri awk sambil ketawa brdekah2..haha...

seriously, kita nk tau jugak ayam jantan boleh bertelur x??tanya doktor esok!!!hahahaha.........

bittaufeq dear(^_^)

Laila said...

haha..knpe i pun tak tau fakta ni eh??haha..

ikan kecil said...

i think telur kecik dlm ayam jantan tu testis die la.. xke??

ps: betul ke doctor kata ayam ada penis?

atiqahdahalan said...

una kata telur tu dalam perut. so tak pasti apekah ianya part of reproductive or not.

p/s: doctor kata ayam tak ada penis. so here's how the hen receive the sperm

The male chicken (rooster) does not have a penis like other animals and therefore there is no penetration of the female reproductive tract when mating. Instead the female inverts her cloaca (the common junction of the reproductive and digestive systems) which comes in contact with the male's inverted cloaca and receives the sperm. The cloaca is then drawn back into the hen's body and the sperm are captured. They then begin the journey up the length of the reproductive system.

sumber :